We are committed to the health and safety of all employees, contractors, clients and the public. At Skywest, we believe all accidents and injuries are preventable.
Skywest Environmental Inc is SAFE and COR certified in British Columbia. We continully work to improve our safety culture and program, so that we not only meet, but also exceed the expectations of our clients. It is our belief that a properly functioning health and safety program is the key to achieving operational excellence!
At Skywest, we are committed to providing a safe and healthy work environment. We promote positive attitudes and continue to improve health and safety procedures within the organization. Our goal at Skywest is to promote safe behaviour by encouraging pro-active identification and mitigation of worksite hazards encountered every day. Our management team supports every workers right to refuse unsafe work and prior to starting any activity/task/job have the worker complete a STOP, Assess, Analyze and Act moment so each task will be completed in a safe and efficient manner.
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